Spokane Earth Day Climate March
Start: Friday, April 22, 2022• 1:45 PM
End: Friday, April 22, 2022• 4:00 PM

Join us at the Pavilion in Riverfront Park this Earth Day to demand urgent action in combatting and preparing for the Climate Crisis. Let's come together as a community to demonstrate together our vision for a cleaner, greener, safer world! The opportunities are endless and the situation is dire!
We will begin gathering at the pavilion around 1:45 where we will hear from a variety of speakers who are in the thick of the fight for a livable future! After speakers and performers, we will take our cause to the streets of Downtown Spokane, where we will march numerous blocks and ensure our voices are heard by the community!
The march starts at 3 p.m. and will be led by A Gathering of Species, which is an externalization of our hope and commitment to pass along the experience of the miraculous natural world to the generations who will come. The Gathering is an opportunity to come together through art and community to celebrate the natural world and have fun.
The march is approximately .7 miles long.
To participate in the Gathering of Species, people can pick an animal, plant, insect or organism; make a costume, mask, prop or float based on the chosen organism; and show up to the Earth Day Climate March with that item or costume. The Gathering encourages the reuse of materials and repurposing thrifted items in the creation of your mask/costume.
In addition to speakers and musical performances, we will have a variety of organizations to the good and exciting work of bringing about a just society that can thrive long into the future.
So bring your signs, bring your chalk, bring your friends and your family. It's going to take all of us to bring about the world we know is possible, and to avoid the one we are on track to getting.
See you there!