Stand for Democracy

Start: Wednesday, February 05, 2020 4:30 PM

End: Wednesday, February 05, 2020 6:00 PM

Do not sit idly by while the Republicans continue to sell their souls and sell US, the American People, down the river! Join us Wednesday night in Sherwood at a new location (still trying to find the best site for visibility AND safety). We'll gather at the T-intersection of Langer Drive and Southwest Sherwood Blvd. It's about a half block in from 99W where the McDonald's is (near the Kohl's). There is a lot of 99 traffic but cars are moving much slower and the three-way light affords us greater viewing time for signs. Here, in a nutshell is why we are coming together to express our outrage, anger, heartbreak and resolve to kick these cowards out of office in November, from Sherwood resident Alan H Pearson, PhD:

FDR declared December 7, 1941 as a day the will live in infamy. January 31, 2020 will be a day that will live in history as the day the Senate republicans abandoned the rule of law, the integrity of their oaths to the constitution, and their reverence for the institution of the United States Senate in service of Donald Trump and the idea of an imperial presidency. The stain on our constitution, and the ideals of checks and balances will take a long time to heal. It has to start this November with not only voting out Donald Trump, but also his Republican toadies who went along with this rape of our constitution and our democratic ideals and norms.

Let's commit to standing up this week - and doing everything possible to put this administration on notice that their reign of fraud, lies, and corruption is going to end!

Plenty of parking is in the Kohl's parking lot nearby. When you make your signs, please make them large/visible and keep them on message. To help start you off with sign ideas:

Trump Is Not Above the Law
Make the GOP Pay This November
Save Our Democracy - Vote Out GOP
Vote Out the Cowards
We Are a Democracy - Not A Monarchy
Reject the GOP Cover Up
Stop the GOP Rigging of 2020
Fair Trail = WITNESSES
Bolton Should've Testified
Stop King Trump

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