Standing Rock Solidarity Night Camp

Start: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 6:00 PM

End: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 8:00 PM

Been "camping out" by the Centennial Park Fountain, at the end of Clematis Street, for seven days in solidarity with the Water Protectors of Standing Rock, ND. This is what I've found out:

+ Even alone, people will stop to talk and learn
+ One sign leads to dozens of pictures and posts on social media
+ People aren't aware of what is going on, or why there's still a need to oppose DAPL
+ Keeping a highly visible, but peaceful presence is welcoming!

I hope to continue to set up the "Night Camp" at Downtown WPB every night until the issue is resolved or until I am unable to continue. More people will allow us to:

+ Increase visibility
+ Talk to more people
+ Pass out flyers and urge contact (of legislators, etc)
+ Do live drumming, chanting, and singing

I wish to remain peaceful and cooperate with the laws and codes of the space we're "occupying" for the night. Let us follow the example set by brave and prayerful Water Protectors at Standing Rock!

** THIS ISN'T MY "REGULAR HOURS" FOR THE NIGHT CAMP! Starting tomorrow, I will return to my usual 7 to 9 pm schedule. **