Still We March, One Year Later
Start: Sunday, January 21, 2018• 3:00 PM

On January 21, 2018, thousands of women, femmes and allies will come together in Las Vegas, Nevada, to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Women’s March and to launch our collective 2018 Women’s March agenda: #PowerToThe Polls.
We in Pine Island, FL are organizing a rally/gathering on January 21st, 2018 for the Women's March anniversary weekend.
The Pine Island ROAR group is an active progressive group generally drawing from the population of Pine Island. We have been active for the past year.
On January 21st we will be marking the 1st anniversary of the Women’s March by holding our own event on the island. The event will be held in a natural park setting (Fritts Park). We are working the agenda. It is set to include speakers, music, a poetry reading, and an ‘action’. The planned action is filming a video to send to our federal, state, and local representatives stating our support for various issues. It is not a march in the classic sense - more of a rally in an outdoor natural peaceful setting.
We plan on re-connecting with each other, re-focusing our efforts, re-committing to our values, and re-energizing for the year of work ahead with the general theme in alignment with the Women’s March organizers (Power to the Polls).
This is a good alternative for those who do not want to travel to Sarasota or Naples yet want to participate in an event inspired by last year’s demonstration. There may not be as many people as these larger events but it will be no less inspiring.
Bring a chair.Bring a sign. Bring a friend. Bring a chair for your friend. Bring your spirit. See you there.
Our FB page is Pine Island ROAR.
Send a message to for more information.
Together, we will show this administration that women and men are not backing down.
Join Pine Island ROAR for the first anniversary of the Women's March.