STOP Trump from Stealing the Election Protest

Start: Saturday, November 14, 202011:30 AM

We are calling nationwide protests this Saturday to refuse to accept a fascist America, demanding Trump/Pence Out Now!  Saturday November 14 Freedom Plaza 11:30 am 14th Street side.

In DC, the Trump MAGA fascist groups are marching the same day.
They are gathering at Freedom Plaza at 12:00 pm.

We can't let their voice be the only one reverberating out of DC! We need to be in the public square, rejecting the Trump regime's attempts to steal the election and carry out their fascist clampdown.

Our strength is our numbers and diversity and love for humanity - in mass, NONVIOLENT protest. That is what we will do on Saturday.  We will not be engaging the fascists, but we will not let them be the only voice coming out of DC.

Saturday November 14 Freedom Plaza 11:30 am 14th Street side.
We will have a big beautiful banner that says TRUMP/PENCE OUT NOW!

You have joined a #TrumpPenceOutNOW event as part of sustained, mass, non-violent protest with the aim of removing the fascist Trump/Pence regime from office. Please help spread the word and invite your friends to attend.

More information on the Out NOW campaign at, or follow @RefuseFascism.