Sunday, 12/15 TellTheTruth Fliering at Tompkins Sq Park

Start: Sunday, December 15, 201912:00 PM

End: Sunday, December 15, 2019 2:00 PM

Yell! Flier! Table! And wave your Rebel Flag at Tompkins Sq. Park Green Market.

Please share the Facebook event linked here!


Come join our budding Lower East Side Extinction Rebellion Neighborhood Group.

Together we will create community. Act to reverse the tide of climate destruction.

From this moment despair ends and tactics begin.

Our planet is dying. The Extinction Rebellion movement around the globe has been taking to the streets and engaging in direct action to demand that the world’s governments Tell the Truth and Declare Climate Emergency Now.  Without unprecedented action to achieve the immediate drawdown of the carbon economy, the Earth is in its Sixth Mass Extinction.