Sunday Phonebank Oct 25 2020 (Georgia)

Start: 2020-10-25 15:00:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)

End: 2020-10-25 17:30:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)

This is a virtual event

The phonebank team of Reclaim Our Vote is excited to offer our NEW  Sundays 3 to 5:30pm ET phonebanks!

On Oct 25 we'll be calling one of our current top priority states: Georgia!

From now thru election day Nov. 3 we're calling under-represented voters of color in our target voter-suppression states to help them vote safely and make sure their votes are counted.  We'll provide specific, up-to-date information on both Absentee and In-person Early voting.

If you are new to phone banking and/or Reclaim Our Vote, we'll give you full training before you start making calls.  If you haven't already, please check out our new Get Started Video and our Phonebanker's Guidelines.

You will receive further information after RSVPing.

Join us - every Sunday 3 - 5:30pm ET.  See you there!

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Los Angeles, California
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Ruther Glen, VA