Sunrise DC hub Phonebank

Start: Monday, March 02, 2020 6:30 PM

We know from the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary that young people have been the margin of victory for Bernie – and we as Sunrise Movement have a critical role to play organizing our peers to deliver those votes!

Right now, calling voters in key states is the best way we can keep turning out the youth vote and sustain momentum for Bernie and the Green New Deal. That’s why our hub is holding a Super Tuesday phonebank!

Join us even if you've never done anything like this before! We'll train you, give you a script and a buddy to practise with, and set you up on our automatic dialer that protects your privacy.All you need to bring is:
  • A laptop (if you don't have access to one, let us know in advance and we'll try to find one for you!)
  • A headset – earphones or headphones that connect to your computer or phone
  • Your phone
  • Charging cords in case your battery runs low

note: I have a cat and so if you're really allergic my apartment is probably not the best place for you, sorry! (but you can definitely join remotely)

Event by
Washington, District of Columbia