Swampscott - Phone banking for Lehigh Valley Democrats

Start: Tuesday, October 01, 2019 6:30 PM

End: Tuesday, October 01, 2019 8:30 PM

Help build grass-roots Democratic voices and strength in a critical – maybe the critical – swing area of the swing state of Pennsylvania. Tuesday, Oct. 1 in Swampscott from 6:30-8:30 PM we’ll phone bank for Democratic candidates in the Lehigh County commissioner race. Why make calls for such a local race?

  • The county commissioners decide the location of voting places, the hours they will run and rules under which they operate. Electing Democrats helps ensure we don’t see the voter suppression in Lehigh Valley next year we see in so many other states.
  • Winning these races ensures strong Democratic and progressive voices in the media when President Trump and his allies blitz Pennsylvania next year.
  • Getting Democrats and progressives to vote now builds their involvement and makes them more likely to vote next year.
  • Helping local Democrats builds the relationships, knowledge and infrastructure we’ll need when we go into high gear during next year’s Presidential election.
  • Need one more reason? The Lehigh Valley Democrats tell us their past phoning and texting boosted actual turnaround from 11% to about 25-35%.

Click on the RSVP button to help us launch our essential work in Lehigh Valley from 6:30-8:30 PM on October 1. Thanks for all you do and look forward to building our momentum for victory next year!

Handicap Accessibility: Stairs lead up to the house so sorry, not handicapped accessible.

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SWAMPSCOTT, Massachusetts
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