Swing Left Get Out the Vote Training

Start: Saturday, July 21, 201811:30 AM

End: Saturday, July 21, 2018 5:00 PM

Come join us on Saturday, July 21st starting at 11:30 am ET and ending at 5:00 pm ET for a powerful livestream training session by Swing Left -- training YOU to organize your friends to help take back a Democratic majority in the House to put a brake on the Trump agenda.

We’ll learn, we’ll have fun, we’ll meet cool people, and most importantly, we’ll get fired up and focused on defeating Republican incumbents and electing Democrats in New Hampshire, Maine, New York and further afield.

This live interactive training will be led by Swing Left Chief Community Officer, Matt Ewing, plus a team of incredible trainers. As National Field Director at MoveOn, Matt created a national network of volunteer leaders that played a key role in helping Democrats win back the House in 2006 and elect President Obama in 2008. He’s also been running our organizing program since we launched in January 2017. He’ll be joined by experienced trainers from both the Bernie and Hillary campaigns of 2016.

Matt and the SLA team will cover everything from best practices for talking to voters to building effective teams and groups---and will be working to make this training interactive and fun!

We'll finish the day by planning to practice our skills at a canvass event, a voter registration event, a phone bank party, or a volunteer recruitment party. Blue BBQ, anyone?

Please plan to arrive between 11:30 and 11:45 so we can be ready to participate when the livestream begins at noon.

Host and Facilitator: Susan Labandibar, Swing Left Regional Organizing Coordinator

Training Staff: Matt Ewing (Chief Community Officer, Swing Left) plus a team of SwingLeft trainers

Format of Event: Livestream of in-person event by Swing Left. The training experience will not be static. Rather, it will include virtual breakouts, practice exercises, and opportunities to interact virtually with the trainers. Topics covered include: Personal Story training, the Hard Ask, Team Building, and Strategic Voter Contact methods.

About Swing Left:
Swing Left is a grassroots movement of hundreds of thousands of people across the country dedicated to helping people participate in their representative democracy by working effectively to elect progressive candidates to the U.S. House in Swing Districts across the country; “Swing Districts” are districts where the current elected official serving a two-year term in the House of Representatives, won the November 2016 election by a thin margin, or is otherwise vulnerable in 2018.
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