Tesla Takedown Amsterdam

Start: Saturday, March 29, 202512:00 PM

End: Saturday, March 29, 2025 3:00 PM

Location:TeslaBurgemeester Stramanweg 122, 1101 EN, Amsterdam, 1101 EN NL

We are taking action at Tesla.

Sell your Teslas, dump your stock, join the picket lines.

Hurting Tesla is stopping Musk.
Stopping Musk will help save lives and our democracy.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. No one is coming to save us—not politicians, not the media.

#TeslaTakedown #BoycottTesla

Thank you @tegentesla for sharing this Linktree with relevant links! (https://linktr.ee/tegenTesla) and a flyer that links to it (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H3C4LR3luBVfytxLYN2ibXuGuPSA--rR/view?usp=sharing)

This event is accessible