Talking about Good Cause Eviction, Universal Rent Control and more!

Start: Monday, April 29, 2024 7:00 PM

Albany just passed a housing deal that line the pockets of landlords and real estate developers. It included rollbacks to rent stabilization, and a weakened version of Good Cause Eviction that is riddled with carve outs and loop holes. This is exactly why we need more socialists in office; we need to oppose more landlord giveaways and win the rights that all tenants deserve!

Join us on Monday to learn more about what is in this housing deal, and discuss how we should talk about it when talking to voters! We'll do a deep dive into socialist housing demands that go beyond good cause, and that Brooklyn desperately needs.

Talking to neighbors and voters is how DSA wins campaigns. And we are better at that the more deeply we understand the community and issues the campaign is built on. This event is the third in a series that is designed to help all members of NYC-DSA understand more about Bed Stuy, Eon Tyrell Huntley's campaign, key socialist issues, and the political terrain we face.

Due to venue limitations, this event will not have a virtual option.