Teach-In: Why we Must Stop the East African Crude Oil Pipeline

Start: Saturday, February 24, 2024 1:00 PM

End: Saturday, February 24, 2024 3:00 PM

EACOP, the East African Crude Oil Pipeline is the largest pipeline project in the world, stretching from Uganda to the coast of Tanzania, and if built, will displace more than 200,000 people, poison the water source of 40 million, and endanger wildlife. If it is completed, the pipeline will generate over 34 million tons of CO2 emissions every single year. The repressive regime of Uganda’s President Museveni imprisons protestors speaking out against the pipeline, requiring global allies to raise their voices in their name. This Teach-In will explain the financing of the pipeline and the worldwide campaign. It's a great opportunity to work with Ugandan, South Asian, and Chinese activists who support the campaign, and build support for the NYC Day of Action on February 27th!

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