Tell CEC: Cap Big Oil Profits!
Start: Tuesday, November 29, 2022•12:00 PM
End: Tuesday, November 29, 2022• 1:00 PM

Join us at the California Energy Commission (CEC) to hold Big Oil companies accountable for ripping off Californians while enjoying record-breaking profits!
On Nov 29th, the CEC will hold a hearing on gas prices and the transition to alternative fuels. We want to send a clear message: Polluters Pay Up! Oil companies make 30% more profit in California as the rest of the country. Some companies have made 500 to 600 percent as much profit this quarter as compared to this time last year. We need a Cap on Big Oil Windfall Profits!
Rally on Tuesday Nov 29th from Noon to 1pm
CEC building: 1516 9th st
Be ready for some street theater and chants, and come early or stay late if you want to sit in the meeting and listen (hearing runs from 10am to 4pm, with public comment at the end of the agenda).
If you can't make it in person but want to watch the hearing on this zoom link, or by phone (888)475-4499 Webinar ID: 996 9202 9987 and passcode: IEPR2022
If you have questions or want to help organize this action, email