Tell Rep. O'Halleran to vote for net neutrality (H.R. 1644)—no ISP amendments and no games!

Start: Thursday, March 21, 201912:00 PM

Representative Tom O'Halleran is a member of the first committee in Congress voting on the “Save the Internet Act” (H.R. 1644), a bill that would overturn the FCC’s net neutrality repeal.

This vote could happen as early as next week. Meanwhile, telecom lobbyists have been swarming Capitol Hill to eviscerate the bill with amendments that harm real net neutrality.

Rep. O'Halleran is one of only 4 Democrats on the committee who have yet to publicly support HR 1644.

We’re calling on Rep. O'Halleran’s constituents to join a Battle for the Net protest outside his district office in Casa Grande on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at noon.

Rep. O'Halleran is in-district for congressional recess, so now is the time to make your voice heard before he heads back to D.C. for this important vote (next week)!

Please RSVP to let us know you’ll be there. We urgently need to get members of Congress on our side to ensure we have the votes to pass HR 1644 in this key committee.