Tell Senator Blunt: Commonsense Gun Reform Now

Start: Wednesday, March 07, 201812:00 PM

End: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 1:00 PM

Thoughts and prayers are not enough. Americans are fed up with out-of-control gun violence. We are 25 times more likely to be murdered with a gun than people in other developed countries. There were 208 homicides in the Kansas City Metro in 2017. Our children are at risk every day, both from domestic terrorists in their schools and from stray bullets in our streets. As Senator Blunt’s constituents, we will ask him to:

• Oppose any attempt to enact Concealed Carry Reciprocity across states. Missouri’s inadequate gun laws shouldn’t be forced upon other states.

• Improve reporting to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System and implement a nationwide requirement for background checks every time a firearm is sold or gifted, even between private citizens.

• Ban bump stocks and large capacity magazines.

• Close the “boyfriend loophole” that allows unmarried domestic abusers to purchase firearms.

• Implement mandatory waiting periods for gun purchases.

• Reject campaign assistance from the NRA as long as they continue to oppose commonsense reform and advance dangerous, extremist legislation.

Senator Blunt has benefited from $4.55 million in NRA support for his political career. It’s time for him to think of Missourians, not donors.

*** Dress for the weather.
*** Bring your own sign.
*** Code of Conduct: We will engage in peaceful, civil discourse. No civil disobedience is planned as part of this event. All attendees are expected to be polite and respectful at all times. We DO NOT engage with counter-protesters.

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