Start: Friday, July 08, 201611:00 AM

End: Friday, July 08, 2016 2:00 PM

The DNC voted NOT to include opposition to TPP in the party platform, at a time when the party is deeply divided between those who want to see the party expand its progressive policies, and those who are tied to outdated and destructive transnational corporate interests pushing the TPP.   Orlando is host to the platform committee meeting and supporters will be inside standing up against the TPP and we will be outside the platform committee meeting to let attendees, delegates, and passersby know a vote to let TPP slide through unopposed is wholly unacceptable especially in the Lame Duck session or anytime after the election.  This is a no-brainer to a "party of the people." Don't get me wrong, there are some great heroes in the party, but plenty of bad apples too.  

We the people recognize that if the TPP passes, we all lose as fracking and pipeline investors will then have legal claim to destroy our water and air through the investor-state court system, and climate change will be sealed since the TPP does not mention Climate Change and negotiators are barred from addressing climate change in the TPP or other coming free trade disasters.  

Public health will be put in the hands of transnational corporate interests with designs of harmonizing all public health into private for-profit systems, thereby killing the single-payer campaign, and medicare, with the added ever-greening of life-saving medications that are already way too expensive, or out of reach to many.  

We want the DNC to add these to the platform:

1-Opposition to TPP

2-Ban Fracking and fracking infrastructure

3-Support Climate Change Clean Energy policies

4-Single Payer Health Care for all

Join the protest to tell the DNC to add these to the platform and any other important issue.

There is no climate, water, or healthcare justice without trade justice!

Please join us!

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Homosassa, Florida
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Ruther Glen, VA