Telluride Women's March
Start: Saturday, January 21, 2017•10:00 AM

The Progressive Women’s Caucus of the San Juans is facilitating the Telluride Women’s March on January 21, 2017, at 10AM, in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Washington D.C. This march is intended to send a powerful message to our fellow citizens that we stand united against hate, fear, and marginalization in all forms.
The march will begin at the Oak Street Mall (Next to Courthouse) participants will march east on the north side of Colorado Ave, cross at Alder Street to the south side of Colorado Ave and head west to Elks Park.
Following the march, participants will gather in Elks Park for speechs and celebration.
There will be pre-march sign making at the Wilkinson Public Library on Friday evening.
For more information, please see our Facebook page