Tesla Takedown Paramus - March 26
Start: Wednesday, March 26, 2025• 4:00 PM
End: Wednesday, March 26, 2025• 5:30 PM
Location:Tesla Paramus - Route 17 Location•530 Rte 17, Paramus, NJ 07652 US
Host Contact Info: teslatakedownparamus@gmail.com

Elon Musk is destroying our democracy, and he's using the fortune he built at Tesla to do it. We are taking nonviolent action at Tesla to stop Musk's illegal coup.
⚡Sell your Teslas, dump your stock, join the picket lines.
⚡ We're tanking Tesla's stock price to stop Musk.
⚡Stopping Musk will help save lives and protect our democracy.
The stakes couldn’t be higher. No one is coming to save us. Not politicians, not the media, not the courts.
Tesla Takedown is a peaceful protest movement. We oppose violence, vandalism and destruction of property. This protest is a lawful exercise of our First Amendment right to peaceful assembly.
- Please be aware that Home Depot has indicated that it may tow cars. Be mindful of where you choose to park as it is at your own risk.
- Bring your signs and chants!
- Please keep safety in mind and stay behind the road guardrails while protesting.
- Please no loud siren sounds from bullhorns or otherwise.
- The route 17 location is not suitable for children.
- Please do not walk through the bushes on-site.
- Have fun!
You don't have to RSVP for the event, but it does help us to keep tabs on expected attendance and allows us to send you notices for upcoming Tesla Takedown Paramus dates.
#TeslaTakedown #BoycottTesla