The Final Push: Art Day of Action to Pass the CCIA
Start: Thursday, June 03, 2021•10:00 AM
End: Thursday, June 03, 2021• 1:30 PM
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In just two weeks, the legislative session will end, and our elected officials will have gone another year without passing meaningful climate legislation to protect our communities. This is unacceptable, especially as we emerge from a deadly pandemic, the effects of which are made worse by air pollution.
We need to show the legislature the true cost of their inaction: thousands of people in frontline communities sickened and killed by pollution and climate change. We passed the CLCPA in 2019, but without funding the law’s mandates are only a dream. We will not stand for climate cowardice.
Join us in Albany on Thursday, June 3 for a day of art and action to make it clear to the legislature: every year they don’t act, more New Yorkers die.