Start: Monday, February 27, 2017 at 12:30 AM GMT

End: Monday, February 27, 2017 at 2:00 AM GMT

This is a virtual event

While Donald Trump is a longtime critic of NAFTA and has said he plans to renegotiate it, the trade justice movement has long had the goal of abolishing or radically reforming the three-nation pact. It is clear after 23 years that the people of all 3 countries would be far better off had the corporate-negotiated deal never come into existence.

Trump’s promises to fix NAFTA, just recently came down to “tweaking” the deal, but tinkering around the edges of NAFTA are not what the people of Mexico, Canada and the U.S. have in mind. Perhaps we in the trade justice movement could give Mr. Trump a thimble-full of credibility if, in all of his isolationist, racist rantings about migrants, and how Mexico is reaping huge gains, he would connect the dots between the devastating economic effects NAFTA has had on millions of Mexico’s small farmers. Instead, he spouts rhetoric about building a border wall to prevent desperate people from risking their lives seeking employment and to escape a drug war fueled by the trade deal for the one percent. No, Mr. Trump, we don’t trust your idea of “fixing” NAFTA.  We have a number of ideas of our own.

Please join Trade Justice Alliance and our special guests, all experts on the devastation NAFTA has brought to all three countries party to the corporate deal for another Sunday evening webinar.

We welcome:

Celeste Drake, Trade and Globalization Specialist with the AFL-CIO to discuss - NAFTA and Labor Rights in Mexico, AFL-CIO NAFTA Reform Blueprint, Washington Politics Analysis;

Sujata Dey, Trade Campaigner for The Council of Canadians will discuss NAFTA's Impacts on Canada;

Manuel Perez Rocha, Associate Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies will address NAFTA’S impacts on Mexico;

Pete Dolack, author, Systemic Disorder will talk about why NAFTA Was Bad for Workers in All Three Countries;

Adam Weissman, Global Justice for Animals and the Environment will discuss NAFTA's Chapter 11 vs. the Environment;

Margaret Flowers, Co-Director, Trade for People and Planet, will discuss campaign developments and activist opportunities.

Please join us as we break down the problems with free trade and corporate globalization, and lay out a vision for trade that lifts up people and protects the planet.

Event by
Homosassa, Florida