The importance of Green Party influence in Britain and Europe
Start: 2024-07-10 19:30:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)
End: 2024-07-10 21:00:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)
A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP
With more people turning away from the two main parties in Britain and deciding to place their political commitment firmly on the side of climate emergency and sustainability, we can start to imagine what the country would be like with a stronger Green Party influence in Parliament.
All over the world, this is starting to happen and we have invited Greens from Europe, in a position of leadership, to join us for this session. They will talk to us (amongst other things) about their achievements and successes, the nuts and bolts of changing policy to become greener and the challenges they have met along the way, particularly given the success of recent Right Wing parties in EU elections.
Joining us to speak will be:
Seth Piper
Formerly Marketing and Campaign Advisor for the Green Party in Norway, now a Senior Consultant working with non-profit organisations in Norway.
Mina is a trans activist from Malta with over 12 years of experience in developing campaigns and communications on LGBTQI rights and other social justice issues. They are a committee member of the European Green Party and Deputy Chair of ADPD – The Green Party in Malta. Mina was a candidate for the European Parliament elections of 2024.
Maria Kjellberg
of the Swedish Green Party.
Everyone is welcome to join us – there will be opportunity to ask questions and join the discussion following the speakers.
Can’t be there on the night? Register anyway and you’ll be sent the video.