The Internet is angry! Protest for net neutrality at Rep Peter Roskam's office

Start: Tuesday, June 26, 201812:00 PM

Sign up to RSVP for the protest and we'll send you everything you need to participate and connect you via email with other net neutrality supporters in your area. Plan to show up at 12pm local time on June 26th, and please invite everyone you know!

Why now?
The FCC repeal of net neutrality just officially went into effect and the Internet is outraged. But Congress can still overrule Ajit Pai and restore the free and open Internet using the Congressional Review Act (CRA).

Why here?
The CRA already passed in the Senate. Now we need to do the same in the House. So on June 26th we're channeling our anger productively and protesting outside our representative's offices in key districts across the country. We need 218 reps to sign a "discharge petition" in order to force a vote and win.

How can I help?
First, RSVP for the protest right now so we can be in touch! Then send this link to everyone you know and invite them to attend. We’ll need volunteers on the day of the protest to pick up banners and signs (we’ll take care of the printing!) and lead others in chants etc., so check the box if you can help with that.

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