The "Remaining 74" Assembly

Start: Friday, November 16, 2018 2:00 PM

End: Friday, November 16, 2018 5:00 PM

Save Our Salmon, Save Our Orca

Gather together for a powerful demonstration with Native American speakers and compelling visuals.

The Orca Task Force preliminary recommendations do not include breaching the 4 lower Snake River dams in a time frame that will actually be beneficial to salmon recovery. Without substantial salmon recovery the Southern Resident Orca will continue to decline into extinction. At least one of these dams, Lower Granite, must to be breached with a channel bypass this year. The Corps of Engineers needs no new authorities to place all four dams into a "non-operational" status while normative river flows are reestablished after removing the earthen portions of each dam. Alternative 4 was and still is the most viable alternative for salmon recovery, which will save the Southern Resident Orca.

Come join concerned citizens from around the Northwest and show your support for immediate breach of the 4 lower Snake River dams by channel bypass. If you would like to carry one of the 74 Orca cutouts, let Michelle or Ashley know by commenting in the Facebook Event at  You will need to arrive at the assembly location at 1p.m. if you sign up to carry an Orca. Thank You!

For carpool sign up:

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