The Working Class: Fighting Back Against Corporate Greed

Start: Saturday, August 20, 2022 4:00 PM

Join Sen. Bernie Sanders, AFA President Sara Nelson and International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ General President Sean O’Brien at The Working Class: Fighting Back Against Corporate Greed Rally.

The Working Class: Fighting Back Against Corporate Greed
Saturday, August 20th at 4pm
Rally at Independence Mall in Philly (outside the Independence Visitor Center)

Workers are taking on corporate power as the U.S. experiences a historic labor uprising. From Starbucks to Amazon and across dozens of industries, working Americans are organizing new unions and going on strike for better pay and safer working conditions. Poll after poll shows voters – Democrats, Republicans and Independents – support workers in our fight against corporate greed. It’s not about politics; it’s about people. We are the reason our government exists, and the economy doesn’t move without us.

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