There's no new COVID-19 relief in sight: “So Where’s Senator Durbin?”

Start: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 4:00 PM

End: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 5:00 PM

This is a foot action AND a car caravan. Let's us know how you'll be joining us by commenting "on foot" or "car" in the comments section.


With no new COVID-19 relief in sight, we're wondering: “Where’s Senator Durbin?” There's no time to waste!

On July 31, the weekly $600 unemployment boost AND eviction moratoriums expire.

Tens of millions have NO HEALTH CARE during the pandemic.

Black and Latinx people CONTINUE TO FALL ILL AND DIE in outsized numbers.

Senator Durbin is the Democratic Whip and the second most powerful Democratic Senator in America. Senator Durbin should be at the forefront of the fight for a People’s Bailout that addresses racial disparities and guarantees healthcare, housing and financial relief for people, not corporations.

Although Senator Durbin does support extending the weekly $600 boost to unemployment insurance, extending the moratorium on evictions, and some rental assistance funding, he isn’t fighting for the scale of relief we need.

  • Instead of providing healthcare for everyone, Senator Durbin talks about increasing funding for corporate hospitals.
  • And while a bloc of progressive Senators supports $2,000 a month for everyone for the duration of the pandemic, Senator Durbin has been also silent on monthly financial support for individuals.

In late May, we held a town hall with Representatives Jan Schakowsky and Jesus "Chuy" Garcia about a "People's Bailout" that would provide healthcare, housing and money for all, but Senator Durbin declined to attend. We offered to reschedule. We also asked for a private meeting. Senator Durbin never responded.

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