Thousands of #DoorsForJustice Danbury

Start: Saturday, September 08, 2018 9:30 AM


Location Schedule: Doors Open: 8:45 AM

  • 8:45-9:25 AM: Tabling & local program speakers, music, display of local artists, light refreshments
  • 9:30 AM-10:00 AM: Statewide Program (Connected by Video Streaming) Speakers: Bishop John Selders, Moral Monday CT- An injury to one is an injury to us all. Advancing racial, economic & gender justice. Lori Pelletier, AFL-CIO - What's at stake for working families and key note speaker Linda Sarsour award-winning racial justice, civil rights activist and organizer of the Women's March.
  • 10:00 AM-1 PM: Reaching out to voters- Doors/Tabling/Trainings

Actions: Tabling, Canvassing & Phonebanking

Sponsoring / participating organizations: CT Students for a dream, Action Together, Newtown Forward, Frente Unido, Danbury Justice Network, CT Against Gun Violence, Working Families Organization, Western CT Central Labor Council, United Auto Workers, District 1199 SEIU

New Location, Ecuadorian Civic Center 20 West Street, Danbury CT- Get Directions

RSVP Today!

Click here for other locations around the state.

For activists and volunteers who are committed to justice!!

Good Jobs-Fair Wages; Access to Quality Public Education; A Vibrant & Fairly Funded Public Sector; Racial, Gender and Immigrant Justice; Disabilitiy Rights; Democracy in our State and in Our Work Places; Healthy Communities & Environmental Justice.

We will be knocking on doors, making calls, registering voters, training volunteers and recruiting new activists. We all contribute in the best ways we can & embrace our collective struggle.