Too Hot To Work Outreach Day!!
Start: Tuesday, October 08, 2024• 6:30 PM
End: Tuesday, October 08, 2024• 8:30 PM
Join us as we hit the streets and talk to workers about our Too Hot To Work Campaign!!
We'll be postering and doing mall crawls at multiple locations across BC.
Outreach in Vancouver - 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Co hosted with SPRINGMAG Members, our Street Teams and staff will be meeting in front of the Rio Theatre by Commercial-Broadway Station to talk with food service workers south of the station along Commercial Drive!
Outreach in Victoria - 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Street Teams will be hitting up the Hillside Mall and it's surrounding area. Meet Street Team organizers by the Tim Hortons in the Hillside Mall food court.
Did you want to host an Outreach Day in your community? Let us know and we can add it to our list!