Town Benefits: A Coliseum for Us All!

Start: Saturday, July 22, 202311:00 AM

End: Saturday, July 22, 2023 1:00 PM

For over half a century, the Oakland Coliseum has been a mainstay in the lives of Oakland residents. It is a place where tradition, pride for our town, and a true sense of community have been fostered for decades. Now, we have the opportunity to shape the Coliseum’s future.

Come out to the Oakland United Coalition's campaign kickoff event on Saturday, July 22nd for an afternoon of fun and to ensure that your voice is heard in the Coliseum redevelopment process!

WHEN: Saturday, July 22nd, 11 am - 1 pm

WHERE: City of Refuge, United Church of Christ at 8400 Enterprise Way, Oakland, CA 94621

WHAT: A community event to kick off Oakland United's campaign to ensure that the redevelopment of the Oakland Coliseum benefits the people of Oakland. The Oakland United Coalition will negotiate with the developer of the Coliseum to create a comprehensive Community Benefits Agreement that will ensure that the project will benefit and serve the communities of Oakland. We need to know what YOU want included in that agreement. The event will provide multiple opportunities to let us know what YOU, as an Oakland resident, would like to see included in this redevelopment. We will provide free food and drinks, childcare, art and entertainment for kids, and more fun activities for people of all ages.

We must ensure that the development of the Coliseum site protects and benefits East Oakland residents and the communities surrounding the Coliseum.We have an opportunity to transform our communities and ensure good jobs, affordable housing, a healthy environment and more at the Coliseum site!

We hope to see you at this fun community-centered event!

Who We Are: The Oakland United Coalition is a group of community, labor and faith organizations representing thousands of Oakland residents fighting for good jobs, affordable housing, and a healthy environment. Our organizational partners include: East Bay Alliance For a Sustainable Economy, East Bay Housing Organizations, Communities for a Better Environment, Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy, UNITE HERE Local 2, Powerswitch Action, Public Advocates, and Causa Justa :: Just Cause.
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