Town Hall Forum: What do Safety & Fairness look like for People Seeking Asylum?

Start: Wednesday, December 20, 201710:00 AM

End: Wednesday, December 20, 201712:00 PM

Keen to know more about Australia’s response to the biggest humanitarian challenge of our time? This is your chance to ask your local MP, Anthony Albanese, to represent your views in Canberra.

The Global Refugee Population has grown to the same size as the population of Australia. Only 0.66% of refugees access resettlement, so people seek asylum in countries bordering conflict, with 84% being hosted in low to middle income countries. Uganda for example has taken more refugees in just the last 3 years than Australia has since WWII. Responding to the emergency needs of displaced people, dominates so much of modern humanitarian assistance. International aid and refugee policies can no longer be seen in isolation from each other.

The Australian government must do its fair share, so more people fleeing conflict and natural disaster can get a fair go! At our event you will hear from inspiring speakers:

– Omar Al Kassab, Business student and Syrian refugee
– Mwiyeria Munyeki, World Vision Humanitarian Advisor and
– Other special guest human rights advocates as well as
– Anthony Albanese MP, Member for Grayndler

Bring your friends, family and neighbours to this important discussion. Light catering will be provided. Donations welcome!

Show that restoring and growing the aid budget and welcoming more refugees to Australia matters to you!

Event by
Justin Whelan
Paddington, Australia