Town Hall!

Start: Saturday, April 27, 2019 2:00 PM

End: Saturday, April 27, 2019 4:00 PM

Town Hall discussion of the health care and employment needs East of the River, and and how the new East End Hospital fits into that picture.

Right now, Mayor Bowser is negotiating a deal with Universal Health Services (UHS) to replace United Medical Center (UMC) and build a new hospital on St. Elizabeths campus. The District has committed over $300 million for a new facility while keeping the community in the dark and expanding specialty services downtown rather than in Ward 8.

Despite protests from the community, D.C. Council voted in mid-December 2018 on the East End Health Equity Act of 2018. This waived the Certificate of Need Process and allows UHS to build both the new facility and a new patient tower in Foggy Bottom.

The bill failed to ensure that the services provided by the new hospital will meet the needs of residents, patients, and workers. Now the Mayor is negotiating a sweetheart deal with a for-profit hospital company without community input.

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