Training: How to influence your MP on climate change!

Start: 2024-06-13 18:30:00 UTC Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney (GMT+10:00)

End: 2024-06-13 20:15:00 UTC Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney (GMT+10:00)

This is a virtual event

Last month we saw Labor announce their ‘Future Gas Strategy’, which will unlock new climate wrecking gas projects till 2050. A plan that would make Scott Morrison proud.

The response from the climate movement was swift. Together, we organised more than 90 actions across the country as part of Rise Up - 12 Days of Action opposing fossil fuel projects. Already, 10 Labor MPs such as Josh Wilson, Ged Kearney, Sally Sitou and more, have broken ranks and spoken out against the future gas strategy.  

This wouldn’t be possible without the strong grassroots lobbying efforts in their electorate. We need to continue building on this momentum and keep up the pressure so the Labor government shifts their support away from the fossil fuel industry.

Meeting with our MPs, developing relationships and feeding back what their community thinks about climate is a key lobbying tactic that we can employ in order to shift MPs on the issues their communities care about.

Come learn core MP lobbying skills such as how to research your MP, how to book and run an MP meeting, objection handling and more.

We will also talk about our broader strategy to shift Labor MPs in key electorates and range of tactics that we can employ to pressure our reps to get the outcomes we want.

Join us online on Thurs, June 13 from 6:30pm AEST. You will receive a zoom link when you RSVP.

Bring a friend in your local area who you think would be interested in meeting your MP with you. Or we can help connect you with others in your electorate.

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