Trump is Stealing the election NOW - Assembly - caravan

Start: Saturday, November 07, 2020 1:00 PM

Assemble & caravan to join Count Every Vote rally (location not yet announced)

The first  5 Days are going to be crucial. The Trump/Pence regime is moving to steal the election. We can't be trapped by the "leaders" telling us to wait and see - AGAIN. The Demand TRUMP/PENCE OUTNOW! must be everywhere. And it has the potential to resonate even more widely as a demand against the illegitimacy of the regime’s theft of the election.

In this situation – and particularly in these first 5 days … there has to be a clear pole – a rallying cry, an expression of feet on the streets, that is focused on the single demand: Trump/Pence OUTNOW!  

More information on the Out NOW campaign at, or follow @RefuseFascism.