Tuition Strike Debrief / Strategy Session for Next Semester

Start: 2021-04-15 19:00:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)

This is a virtual event

Based on the results of our recent vote, we are not continuing the tuition strike past April 5. However, the end of the tuition strike for this semester does NOT mean the end of our campaign! We always knew that it would take a long struggle to win our demands and the tuition strike was only one (particularly powerful) tactic within that struggle.

For that reason, we are currently strategizing about how we can best carry our campaign forward into future semesters--and we need your feedback!

Join us for a meeting to come together discuss the strengths of our movement and what we need to improve going forward, as well as to discuss the question of whether we should organize another, larger tuition strike in the Fall, or whether we should try an alternative tactic.

We will also talk about how you can get involved in organizing our campaign going forward.

We have accomplished something truly unprecedented this semester, but we have a lot of work left to do. We hope that you’ll join us in that continued struggle.

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