TX10 Town Hall, with (or without) Rep. Michael McCaul
Start: Thursday, February 23, 2017• 6:30 PM
End: Thursday, February 23, 2017• 8:00 PM

Thank you so much for your interest in this event. We have had overwhelmingly positive response to this event, and we are unable to accept more RSVPs at this time. If you've already given your RSVP, seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
UPDATE: We'll be streaming this event via Facebook Live! Tune in at 6:30 to be part of the town hall, wherever you are. We hope that folks in Austin who can't attend tonight and constituents in other parts of TX-10 will join us virtually.
***THIS DATE, Thursday 2/23, IS CORRECT.***
An email went out with the incorrect date, and we apologize.
We're so ready to meet with our Rep. Michael McCaul! We've been asking him and ASKING him to hold a town hall, to meet with constituents, to do SOMETHING that shows he's interested in engaging with and listening to the voters who live in his district.
The best answer we've gotten is that he'll maybe hold a tele-town hall (which isn't a town hall at all!) later this year, which seems both completely unreasonable AND insufficient given the stakes.
So, we decided to use this "congressional recess" week that's designed for reps to engage with their constituents and set up a town hall on behalf of Rep. McCaul and invite him to participate! We'll talk about issues like Russian hacking, the Muslim ban and other immigration issues, the Affordable Care Act, and more, whether our representative shows up or not.
Share this widely with all constituents and voters in the TX10 Congressional district, and come prepared for a great town hall, whether Rep. McCaul makes it or not! Hope to see you there.