UBI Lab Food online event - Universal Basic Income and the Cost of Living crisis
Start: Monday, November 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM GMT
End: Monday, November 21, 2022 at 7:30 PM GMT
This is a virtual event

Join us as we explore how a Universal Basic Income (UBI) could address the Cost of Living crisis in relation to food.
We have a wonderful line-up for this evening:
We will start off the event with a panel discussion where each speaker will bring a different perspective to the table!
This will be followed by a Q&A, and we invite a discussion among all attendees. We would love to hear your thoughts on how a UBI could address the Cost of Living crisis in relation to food.
The event will be chaired by Sabine Goodwin of IFAN UK.
Join us on 21 November at 6.00-7.30 PM GMT!
Warmly, UBI Lab Food team