Unite grassroot Climate caucus - soft launch
Start: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 5:30 PM GMT
End: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM GMT
This is a virtual event

We are a group of grassroot members of Unite the Union who want to organise around Climate Justice in our union. This event will be a soft launch to recruit more activists, grow our organising group and scale up the group. This would be followed by a bigger official launch later in the year.
Note this event is exclusively for members of Unite the Union.
This will not be a speaker-based debate but focusing on organising. It will last around 90 minutes and will be in 2 parts
Part I: Why do we need a Unite grassroot Climate Caucus?
We will present how and why the group came together and look at our aims and priorities. This will include checking ‘Bad’ Unite policies we need to change and discuss the need for radical climate policies within Unite.
Part II: Climate Emergency demands & Unite ‘bad’ policies
In this part we will explore what Climate Emergency demands would we want to put to Unite and call on members to support us achieve? Could be about fuel poverty/cost of living crisis, change in policy etc…