Universal Basic Income sense-making session on Hunome

Start: Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 3:00 PM GMT

End: Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 5:00 PM GMT

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

UBI Lab Finland invites you to a global UBI, Universal Basic Income sensemaking session on Hunome on December 7 2023 at 5 PM Helsinki | 3 PM London | 4 PM Paris | 10 AM NYC

UBI Lab Finland started building understanding on the many perspectives and possibilities of UBI (Universal Basic Income) on the Hunome ‘social 4.0’ platform (see more about Hunome and why we’ve started using it below). UBI Lab Finland is part of the worldwide UBI Lab Network, comprising of over 40 individual local and thematic UBI Labs around the world.

We now invite you to join in this build. We are arranging a global sensemaking session in, around and on Universal Basic Income on December 7 2023 at 5-7 PM Helsinki | 3-5 PM London| 4-6 PM Paris | 10-12 AM NYC time.  

In a previous session on October 24 people with different backgrounds added new perspectives into the UBI SparkMap. Results were fascinating and people just loved how easy and rewarding it is to bring their thinking and experiences around UBI in one place in Hunome.

So join in, bring your thoughts and knowledge, let’s learn from each other across countries and build shared understanding around UBI globally and locally with the atomic community in Hunome!  

To join the UBI SparkMap and this session on Hunome, register on Hunome:

  • During the registration process, please specify “UBI” in the field ‘how did you hear about us’.

  • You will then receive the Zoom session link on the email you use to register to Hunome.
    Please note that the ‘add to calendar’ item at the end of this page only pencils it in for you but is not known to us.

  • If you have already registered let us know at hello (at) hunome (dot) com that you are interested in joining this session.

  • Once you have registered to Hunome you can go to the ‘Universal Basic Income (UBI)’ SparkMap where you can explore the multiple, multidimensional and multidisciplinary perspectives there already are in the UBI SparkMap and add your thinking there even before this session (and after it).


Markus Vähälä, Dóra Hietavirta, Mika Raulas

UBI Lab Finland, Systems Change Finland, Citizen Network, Hunome



Hunome’s purpose is to help humanity make sense of itself. Hunome is a novel ‘social 4.0’ product and space, uniquely designed for groups to help bring people from many disciplines and backgrounds together into an ‘atomic community’ to explore a theme in an engaging way, to build multidimensional and shared understanding on themes that are complex, ‘wicked’ cross-system problems, and to make sane decisions, being world-aware and human-aware. Hunome is built for global participation so that you and everyone can hear the thoughts and many perspectives across the world we might not have thought of otherwise and to be inspired by that.

A ‘Humanothon with Hunome’ is a human, world, change-aware ‘marathon’ – a thematic movement like UBI – for sense making and building shared understanding on a theme. It comprises a collective set of sessions and asynchronous participation, in one’s own time, designed to bring people from diverse backgrounds together to explore complex issues and to bring their knowledge, research, experiences, thoughts, opinions and ideas into the build.

In Hunome the thinking around UBI is alive, ongoing and evolving where anyone can participate anytime, add on to others’ thinking and bring one's own perspectives into the ‘UBI’ SparkMap, not just one-off events.



  • Engage you in an exciting and easy way to bring your thinking and experiences, see what others are thinking and working on and reflect on their perspectives and ideas. Anyone can participate anytime, add on to others’ thinking and bring in one's own perspectives. Be part of the bigger picture.

  • Help you explore the many sides of and related themes to UBI, learn about the different aspects of it, connect the dots between different perspectives and see the trains of thought, and arrive at actionable decisions.

  • Keep the work on UBI alive and evolving, spark new knowledge, experiences and ideas both with sessions like this and the ones coming later on + by you on your own time in the UBI SparkMap in Hunome. Expand the multidisciplinary community on UBI.

  • Provide us one shared place & space to see and elaborate on all the ideas around UBI across the UBI Labs network, so as to not to lose what is shared in WhatsApp and other channels UBI Labs are using - something we don’t have now.

In other words, to tackle the challenge current ways of working pose that is problematic for continuity, quality and progress in human understanding:

  • Events: record the thinking and talking and elaborate on those after the event. Events are very start-stop, one-off ideations, not participatory enough so everyone’s voice is not always heard.

  • Social Media: keep the thinking alive and enriching. SoMe sharing is very linear, what was said earlier is hard to find, their design is not connecting the dots nor building / showing the trains and variation of thought. The approach is 'one-to-many' and sadly often polarizing.

  • This results in your hard work going unnoticed, participation dwindling, understanding build ending up in the hands of the few.

With Hunome we can gain broader and stronger commitment and speed up innovation in the world for change as people are heard and an active part of the solution.

Event by
Markus Vähälä
Vantaa, Finland
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