Greenville South Carolina Climate Strike
Start: Friday, September 20, 2019•12:00 PM

Please RSVP to attend.
On September 20, three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC, young people and adults will strike all across the US and world to demand transformative action be taken to address the climate crisis.
In the US, youth and adults, institutional and grassroots organizations, climate-focused and social justice groups, are coming together as a unified front to demand the change we need to save our future. The youth have been leading the way and demanding bolder action, and now it’s time for everyone else to back them up.
To accomplish this, a youth climate strike coalition has come together to collaborate on the campaign. The youth strike coalition, coordinated by Future Coalition, includes national youth-led groups such as Zero Hour, Earth Uprising, Fridays For Future USA, Sunrise, US Youth Climate Strike, and Extinction Rebellion Youth.
The climate crisis is the largest threat of our time, and we’re counting on our collective power to demand immediate and decisive action. This is our opportunity to move beyond the traditional climate bubble and expand the table of who is involved in this movement. It is time to lift up the voices and stories of young people on the frontlines of this crisis and ensure we are creating an intergenerational and intersectional climate justice movement.
September 20 will be one of the largest climate mobilizations in US history. We, as a global society, are at a crossroads. We have a decision to make. Are we going to choose money or power or we going to choose the future? This strike is an invitation to choose us. Choose the kids, choose humanity, choose the future.
If you are a young person who wants to step up and help lead this movement, the podium is yours - reach out!