Vigil for Affordable Healthcare in Kerrville
Start: Wednesday, March 22, 2017• 7:00 PM
End: Wednesday, March 22, 2017• 9:00 PM

This week, the Republican leadership seems confident that they will pass the Republican bill to slash taxes on the rich and take away the healthcare of 24 million people by gutting the Affordable Care Act, with rare evening votes scheduled for Thursday on the so-called "American Health Care Act of 2017." (Source: )
This rush to destroy healthcare has lit a fire for a vigil to protest the passage of Trumpcare (AHCA) this Wednesday night! TX21 is organizing simultaneous events in Kerrville, Austin and San Antonio. Other progressive groups are doing the same around the country. Come join us to make it crystal clear to Congress that the Hill Country opposes Trumpcare!
Time - We will begin gathering at 6:30 and official start is at 7:00. We hope this gives people time to get to Kerrville after work. This will also allow people from other parts of the Hill Country to get home before too late.
Location - Kerr County Courthouse,700 Main St, Kerrville
Signs/flags - Please bring US/TX flags and other signs related to healthcare.
Special Action - Bring a sign that names a disease that has caused a death in your family - cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, COPD, etc. During the event, we will conduct an action to show the impact of losing even more people to these diseases. This will be dramatic and poignant to drive home the reality of eliminating healthcare for 24 million people.
SPREAD THE WORD - Volunteers are needed to call Hill Country Indivisibles who are against Trumpcare. Please email us at if you can help! Also, tell your friends and neighbors who feel as we do!