VIRTUAL Community-Powered Lobbying Day June 18 with MarchOnHarrisburg

Start: 2021-06-18 08:45:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

Join us as we lobby for pro-democracy, anti-corruption legislation in the Capitol!

Help us lobby for the Gift Ban, voting rights, Ranked Choice Voting and more.

This will be a day of Zoom lobbying meetings - you'll be able to join one meeting or multiple throughout the day. When you RSVP, we'll contact you with details, appointment times and Zoom links.

For more information on our legislative goals, legislative criteria, and legislative process view our Money Out, People In policy platform.

Why Do We Lobby?

Lobbying serves to break down the barriers of intimidation between constituents and elected representatives. When we lobby, we reclaim power in our democracy often wielded only by donors and high-priced lobbyists.

First-time lobbyists are encouraged to come! We'll train you and pair you with an experienced MarchOnHarrisburg constituent lobbyist to meet with legislators.

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