Virtual Rally - Get Set To Sort The System!
Start: 2023-04-18 18:30:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)
This is a virtual event
We're all coming together to help Sort The System.
Sort The System - The Lobby for Equal Votes - will bring hundreds of people to Westminster on 24 May to demand that our MPs back a change in the voting system – so that everyone has a vote that counts equally.
To prepare for that, join us on zoom for a virtual rally on the evening of 18 April to find out why Sort The System is going to be our biggest opportunity yet to make the case for Proportional Representation.
Hear from senior politicians like Stephen Kinnock, Tommy Shepherd and Zack Polanski about why mass lobbies like Sort The System are important - and why now is the time!
Alongside them will be senior figures from across the democracy movement, including Tom Brake (Unlock Democracy), Jess Garland (ERS), Sarah Lewis (Liberal Democrats for Electoral Reform), Laura Parker (L4ND), Nancy Platts (Politics for the Many), and MVM's own Klina Jordan.
Together, they'll be able to answer any questions you may have about Sort The System and provide advice on how to engage MPs of all parties in a conversation about electoral reform.