Candidate Melissa Mark-Viverito Talks Campaigning, Covid & Social Justice

Start: 2020-06-03 12:00:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)

End: 2020-06-03 13:00:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)

This is a virtual event

Running for Office During Covid: Melissa Mark-Viverito

Hear from former City Council Speaker & Congressional Candidate for NY-15 in the Bronx


With the president leaving a vacuum of leadership at the federal level, it is more urgent than ever that we elect capable feminist leaders who will challenge the status quo to transform and heal our nation. As we reel in the wake of George Floyd's murder and grapple with a global pandemic, we are looking to candidates and local leaders to provide direction, unity, and tangible change.

Join NOW-endorsed candidate Melissa Mark-Viverito, the first Latina to hold citywide office, creator of the Young Women's Initiative, and a co-founder of the 21 in '21 campaign to elect more women leaders in our city. She'll share her experience on running for office in the time of Covid and her plans for tackling racial justice, women's rights, and protecting our election in November.

About our Grab Trump by the Ballot Activist Power Hours
We'll learn the issues and take action together to register voters in swing states, get insider tips on having more effective and persuasive political conversations and connect to phone banking for women’s rights candidates and pivotal get out the vote efforts! Stay tuned. We'll be organizing more Activist Power Hours on Wednesdays at noon.

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