Volunteer Workday: Save the Hemlocks!

Start: Saturday, February 10, 202410:00 AM

End: Saturday, February 10, 2024 4:00 PM

Background: Hemlock trees in western North Carolina are an important and irreplaceable component of our forests. They are extremely shade tolerant and often grow alongside rivers and streams, which helps keep water temperatures cool. These trees have been suffering for over two decades from hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), an invasive insect that can kill the tree in as little as four years.

Plan: Foothills Conservancy is partnering with the Hemlock Restoration Initiative to chemically treat hemlock trees, on our preserve lands, for protection from the hemlock wooly adelgid. Volunteers will learn how to ID hemlocks and be given a demonstration of treatment methods before being paired up with experts for the day. We will work in groups dispersed over approximately 5 acres.

How to prepare: Expect to walk up to 2 miles on uneven and steep terrain. There are no trails, we will be navigating through the woods together. Please wear close toed shoes, dress in layers, bring a backpack, and pack your own lunch! (Extra snacks and waters will be available)

Notes: Due to chemicals used during this event, volunteers must be 18+

RAINDATE: Feb 10th - If there is expected inclement weather, you will receive a notice of cancellation email 24hrs prior.