Voter Messaging Postcards in Swampscott

Start: Saturday, February 05, 2022 2:00 PM

End: Saturday, February 05, 2022 5:00 PM

Send postcards to Pennsylvania voters reminding them of the benefits of the Democratic infrastructure plan, and of their local Congresspeople who passed it.

Your host will provide packets of 20 postcards, instructions and addresses. You'll purchase one pack of 20 postcard stamps for every packet you pick up. Host is asking (but not requiring) $5 contribution for cost of the postcards -- there will be a contribution jar in the plastic postcard pickup box on the porch, and instructions for other payment methods in your instructions. Please complete and mail postcards by Feb. 28th.

Thanks for your help and please ask your friends, family and neighbors if they'd like to help!

Bob Scheier  

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Swampscott, MA