Voter Registration and Canvassing Training
Start: Saturday, March 10, 2018•10:00 AM
End: Saturday, March 10, 2018•12:00 PM
Welcome! South Bay Swing Left and the Santa Clara Democratic Party are happy to have you join us in learning how to register new voters and to canvass door to door to ensure high voter turn-out.
Key to winning is getting more voters registered. That's where we come in.
This event will help volunteers prepare to register new voters.
We will include an introduction to canvassing for those who would like to do that. We'll go over the purpose of canvassing, how it contributes to a higher voter turn-out and a script to engage voters. The proven #1 way to get-out-the vote is voter engagement from door to door conversations.
The mission of South Bay Swing Left is to support the people in CA District 10 to go from red to blue and to take back the House in 2018. With your help we can do this. (CA 10 includes the cities of Tracy, Manteca, Turlock and Modesto.)
Whether you join us in CA10 or want to register voters locally, welcome. We look forward to meeting you.