Statewide Webinar--Voting Rights in the Time of Coronavirus; April 7th 2020 (6 PM)

Start: 2020-04-07 18:00:00 UTC Central Time (US & Canada) (GMT-06:00)

End: 2020-04-07 18:30:00 UTC Central Time (US & Canada) (GMT-06:00)

This is a virtual event

Thank you for being a part of Missouri Jobs with Justice and joining us for this call.

We will be using Zoom & once you RSVP will receive the call-in info.

If possible, please download the Zoom app before joining the call. As you can imagine, during this worldwide time of increased online and virtual meetings, technology will likely have more hiccups than usual.

Here is an article and video about how to join a Zoom meeting:

Please reach out to with any questions.