Petition delivery to Walmart's lobbying office

Start: Friday, December 14, 201212:00 PM

Join SumOfUs, DC Jobs with Justice, Credo, and others as we rally to demand that Walmart change dangerous factory conditions which led to the deaths of 112 workers in Bangladesh last month. 

In the wake of the deadly Tazreen fire, reports have revealed that Walmart was aware of the dangerous conditions in its Bangladeshi supplier, but chose to do nothing because they did not believe the necessary precautions were "financially feasible." Now on Friday, a global day of action against dangerous conditions in Bangladesh, we will deliver a petition signed by more than 200,000 people demanding safe working conditions throughout Walmart's supply chain. 

Join us at Noon on Friday, December 14 at Walmart's lobbying headquarters at 8th & G NW to tell Walmart that we won't tolerate the devastating impact of its race-to-the-bottom economics in our communities or anywhere in the world.
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