Warm Homes for Elmbridge: coffee, cake and chat

Start: Saturday, November 18, 202310:00 AM

End: Saturday, November 18, 202312:00 PM

Millions of people are trapped in heat-leaking homes that are damp, cold and expensive to keep warm. Energy bills are still set to be sky-high and the cost of living is spiraling out of control. Too many of us face the impossible choice between turning the heating on this winter or putting food on the table.  

Here in Elmbridge some people will feel the effects more than others. But together we can do something about it.

Join us on this national Warm Homes Day of action for a cup of something warm, home made cupcakes and a chat. It will be an informal gathering to get to know others in your local community who care. We'll hear from Brenda Pollack, Friends of the Earth Regional Campaigner, about the United for Warm Homes campaign that groups around the country have been running to highlight the solutions to the current energy crisis. Local resident and retired engineer, Peter Mason, will give tips on his experience of having installed an air-source heat pump - a low carbon way of heating his home.

Our local MP, Dominic Raab has declined our invitation but we will be taking a photo of those present to send to him with a copy of the petition to show local support for the government to take more action on Warm Homes.

Let’s get together to call for Warm Homes in Elmbridge. Join us on Saturday 18 November at 10am