We Need Economic Democracy in Cleveland

Start: Thursday, February 28, 2019 5:15 PM

End: Thursday, February 28, 2019 6:45 PM

Clevelanders for Open Regional Development (CORD) is a new coalition of residents and local groups formed to present a vision of equitable economic development in Northeast Ohio.

Learn how to get involved with CORD Thursday, February 28th at MLK Library!

CORD was formed in response to a invitation-only regional economic summit held by a group of business and civic elites held in downtown Cleveland on December 13th.

CORD instead proposes a more equitable planning process. At minimum, we demand that the steering committee be led by community members who represent the diversity of race, class, profession, geography and gender that our city has to offer.

This is the beginning of a longer effort.

Cleveland has seen this type of economic development planning process before. For decades, it's left people doing well even better off, and the average Clevelander far behind. We cannot solve these problems through the same old process. The community needs a seat at the table.